The installation of home solar energy systems is indeed a great way to save money on the cost of energy production. It works perfectly well on heating your home, powering your electrical appliances, or even heating up your water. If you're already considering having one installed at your place, there are actually cheap and readily available parts and equipment that you can use to build your very own home solar energy systems and start generating your own electricity at a fraction of the cost of being connected to the utility company.
How Solar panels work?
Solar cells are the basic building blocks of a Solar Energy System - consist of semiconductor materials. It is a device used to convert sunlight into electricity. One thing that is important in making a solar panel is to determine where you would be using it so that you will know how many watts is needed for it to work.
Making a blemished six inch diameter, Siemen’s PowerMax monocrystalline solar cell or a class B solar cell is a lot cheaper than building class A. In general, a perfect operating solar cell can generate a maximum of approximately .55 VDC, 5.6 amps and 3 watts of power.
What are the real Advantages?
There are a lot advantages - and what’s even better yet, is that not only are they good for the environment and our future, but they are also good for the bottom line (our bank accounts!)
Green energy solution - Since the solar energy solution uses no other fuel than the renewable light of the sun, it’s clear that it’s an excellent, green energy solution. Additionally, when you make solar power, nothing harmful is released into the atmosphere.
Cheapest power solution - Solar energy is free and the installation cost of a device that harnesses it is a one time investment. This investment can be recovered within just a few years after installation, making solar power free. And if you build it yourself - your return on your investment is recovered even faster!
Convenience of storage - Unlike conventional power, solar power can easily be stored for future use. This means the suns energy can be used even when it’s dark. When you make solar panels for use in your home, you will never have to worry about a power outage again.
Low maintenance - Solar energy systems are very easy to maintain, and they don’t involve high costs or excessive effort. When you make solar power, you will be able to reap the many benefits it offers, with comfort and ease.
Life span of Solar Panels
Solar panels are installed on buildings in places of maximum sun and minimal shade in order to take full advantage of the sun’s power. There is very little maintenance required to sustain solar equipment. So long as the panels are kept clean, they can last approximately 20 to 30 years.
Can You Make Your Own Solar Panels?
You can make your own solar panels rather than buying them. Things have come a long way from the big and bulky panels of a few decades ago and with the technologies available, photovoltaic cells have become smaller and more powerful than ever before. Because they have become so popular with Do-It-Yourself enthusiasts, the price of these cells has not only come down, but if you buy in quantity, the price drops dramatically.
Building the frames for solar panels has also become much more reasonable, and you can build these with common materials, aluminum panels, Plexiglass coverings, and lightweight stands and mounting brackets. You can purchase almost everything you need from your local hardware store, or home improvement outlet.
Click Here For Step-by-Step Guide To Making Your Own Solar Panel