Sunday, January 11, 2015

For Those Of You Wondering You Will Recognize That Green Living Can Be Simple

by Jim Timothys

Lots of people feel that it will be unreasonably difficult to change their lifestyle and be more eco friendly. Nonetheless, it is actually not that tough and merely making small changes can help the environment by cutting down your carbon footprint.

One way to live a greener life would be to unplug electric appliances when they are not being used. You may not realize that even when something is switched off, it still uses a minute amount of electrical energy which results to higher energy use. While this can be challenging initially, once you are in a routine it will become easier and will also save you money in the long run.

When you get home from grocery shopping, don't throw away the bags that you used to carry your groceries. Make sure you take them with you when you go to the grocery again. This way you will be reducing the amount of bags that you use each month which in turn will not only save you money (especially if you have to buy the bags each time) but will also mean less scrap is being generated that could potentially add to pollution. Furthermore, these bags can be used for other purposes as well.

Another way to bring down your carbon footprint is to try and drive less every day. Try to walk or carpool whenever it is doable unless it's imperative that you drive to a particular location. If you use the car infrequently you will not only be bringing down the amount of pollution generated but also saving money. This is one area where you can definitely save a lot of the money you spend on fuel fuel costs.

One way to help or bring down pollution involves all the plastic water bottles that we discard regularly. It is noted that the water contained in these bottles is more clean but the issue is that they are causing a great amount of pollution as they are frequently tossed after only one use. If you are determined to purchase bottled water then that is fine. Nonetheless, try to use them more than one time whenever you can. Maybe you ask how you should reuse the bottles. You can buy a water filter that you can use in your water bottles and you can put them in the refrigerator for the next use. Again, similar to the other examples given earlier, this will reduce your impact on the environment because of less potential pollution and will also save you money.

By combining your efforts in making some of these modest changes, you can make a great difference in the effect on our environment and your pocket. Green living, therefore, is not that tough when you take the first step to changing your consumer habits.

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